Category: FAQs
The Police Band is a section of the Zimbabwe Republic Police charged with the responsibility of providing musical services to the State, Police and the general public in order to promote good police-public relations. The police band is located in Morris Depot, Harare but is available for performance nationwide. The section has a total of 08 [eight] musical groups as follows:
  • Dance Band
  • Brass Band
  • Traditional Dance Group
  • Imbube
  • Apostolic Melodies
  • Choral Group
  • Accappella Music Group
  • Marimba Band
According to Part 1, paragraph 11.4 of the Police Standing Orders Volume 1, the  booking procedure for Band services is as follows:-
  1. The hirer writes an application letter addressed to the Secretary for the Zimbabwe Republic Police Band Committee requesting for the services of the police band group of his/her choice and the following information has to be included in the application.
  1. The name and office at which the performance is required.
  2. Date, place and time of performance.
  3. The type of band required.
  4. Applicant’s contact details especially phone numbers.
  5. Guest of Honour where applicable.
  1. Subject to the availability of the band, the secretary shall complete a band performance application form [ZRP Form 25] on behalf of the hirer and shall submit it to the Band Committee for approval. The Band Committee is composed of the Commandant Depot, Deputy Commandant Depot and the Director Music or Deputy Director Music as the case may be. A treasurer and a secretary are appointed by the Director Music.
After consideration by the Band Committee, the hirer’s application letter will be immediately replied stating whether the requested Band will be available to perform at the function or not, in which case an approval or regret will be given.
  1. The successful applicant will be required to:-
  1. Deposit the stipulated band charges 7 days before the date of the function in the supplied Band Fund Account Number and provide proof of payment or
  2. Make the payment through the Band Finance Clerk at Band District Headquarters in Morris Depot upon which a receipt will be issued.
  3. Pay the required performance allowances for performers where necessary through the Finance Clerk or make a deposit in the Band Fund Account.
  4. Provide adequate, fully insured and suitable transport for band members and their instruments to and from the venue.
For enquiries concerning Police Band booking and any other information, the contact numbers are 04-708415 or 0712 831 594.
Category: FAQs

Many a time, those seeking for employment, find themselves saddled with the responsibility of producing a police clearance that attests to their past criminal record. Equally faced with this requirement are those seeking to apply for visas to travel abroad, to obtain work permits or study permit.

In the Zimbabwe Republic Police, the Criminal Investigation Department is charged with the responsibility of producing these clearances through its Criminal Records Office working in conjunction with the Central Criminal Bureau. The two sections are the repository of criminal records for all those people that have been convicted of an offence in Zimbabwe including those that have deposited fines for offences they have committed.


The person requiring clearance should submit his/her fingerprinted forms together with proof of payment of the vetting clearance fee in the form of the original/top copy receipt.

Where to get the fingerprint forms?

Fingerprints forms can be bought from Kingston Book shops or any other stationery shop that sells the forms.

N.B. The forms for clearance vetting are different from those used by the police ZRP (form 14) for taking fingerprints of criminals. As such people should not expect to get the fingerprint forms from the police station

Those who are abroad have to enquire with their respective local police stations on how they can get the forms.

Where to be fingerprinted

After having obtained their forms, people can approach their local police stations to have their fingerprints taken. Those abroad seeking clearance from the Zimbabwean Police, can have their fingerprints taken in those respective countries.

How to make the clearance payment

Those in Zimbabwe

For people in Zimbabwe, they can pay the prescribed fee at the police station where they would have been fingerprinted or may elect to pay at CID Headquarters upon submission of their forms.

After payment they should ensure the original copy of the receipt is   attached to the forms as proof of payment. People can bring forms in person or send someone to submit the forms

Those outside Zimbabwe

They can deposit their money in the CID Headquarters Standard Chartered Bank Account number 8740416046400, Sort code 5156, Swift code SCBLZWHX, Highlands Branch, Harare.

The vetting fee for prints taken outside Zimbabwe is US$75.00 or the equivalence of whatever currency they are using.

After payment, proof of deposit should be attached to the prints.

The clearance will be processed when proof of payment has been obtained from the Standard Chartered Bank in Zimbabwe.

Sending fingerprints and clearance

Those outside Zimbabwe can make use of courier services such as Fedex, DHL or any other such service providers to send their fingerprints forms to the following address: CID Headquarters, corner 10th Street/Josiah Chinamano Avenue, Morris Depot, Harare.They can enclose a self addressed return envelop so that the certificate can be sent back to them


Category: FAQs

The Central Firearms Registry is a national institution situated at Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters situated at corner 9th Avenue and Josiah Chinamano, Harare, at grid reference 311182.The Section was established after the promulgation of the Firearms Act in 1957. The registration of firearms was centralized in March 1979. The section is mandated with the duty to register all firearms in Zimbabwe except those owned by the State.

Types of firearms that can be registered by private individuals:

  1. Rifles: All non full automatic rifles (semi and non automatic only)
  2. Shot guns:All types
  3. And guns:All non full automatic rifles only (semi and non automatic only)
  4. Air rifles:All above 1.77mm calibre.

Licencing Authority

The Licencing Authority for firearm is the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

Controller of Firearms

Controller of Firearms is a Police Officer appointed in terms of Section thirty eight (38) of the Firearms Act Chapter 10:09 by the Commissioner General of Police. The current situation is that the Director Criminal Investigation Department is the Controller but he has delegated this to the Deputy Director Criminal Intelligence Unit, Records and Technical Services who an Assistant Commissioner.

Requirement for registration of firearms

Section 5(2) of the Firearms Act Chapter 10:09 states that “the firearm certificate shall be granted by the controller if he is satisfied that the applicant has a good reason for purchasing, acquiring or having in his possession the firearm or ammunition in respect of which the application is made and can be permitted to have in his possession that firearm or ammunition without danger to public safety or to the peace”.   This therefore means the Controller can discretionally change these requirements from time to time.

Major issues that are considered are:-

  1. Character of applicant:This is done through fingerprint vetting and support from local police.
  2. Security of the weapon:Before submitting the application, police have to visit applicant’s place of residence and physically inspect his/her gun cabinet, strong room, armory or safe. Other requirements depend on the intended purpose as stipulated below:-
  •        Crop/livestock protection
  1. Support letter from local police
  2. Support letter from either AREX/ Dept of Parks and Wildlife/Local Authority
  3. Proof of land ownership i.e. land offer letter/title deeds or letter from local councilor/headman.
  • Target shooting/gun club sport
  1. Support letter from an official from the gun club.
  2. Support letter from local police
  • Hunting
    1. A letter by the person on whose land applicant is authorized to hunt
    2. Support letter from a Senior National Parks Officer
  • Protection of cash in transit (Individual)
  1. Current Bank Statement.
  2. Support letter from the Bank Manager
  3. Supporting letter from Officer In Charge /Officer Commanding District and Officer Commanding Province
  4. Source of funds.
  • Protection of cash in transit (companies)
  1. Current bank statement and support letter from Bank Manager
  2. Certificate of Incorporation
  3. CR 14
  4. Letter of appointment from the company director authorizing applicant to stand in for the company.
  • Home Protection
    1. Letter of support from Officer In Charge /Officer Commanding District and Officer
    2. Title deeds for the house/lease agreement

These requirements are also a necessity when applying for importation of firearms and when renewing expired licenses.

A firearm certificate is valid for three (3) years calculated from the first day on the month in which it was issued, thereafter renewals will be done.


Applicant is vetted first and makes his application on the prescribed form. His premises are inspected by the Ministry of Mines and the Government Protective Security Inspectorate (GPSI) upon request by the Controller. If found suitable then a Dealer’s License may be issued.

These applications may be processed in 21days that is 7days at the Criminal Records Office (CRO), 7 days at the Central Criminal Bureau (CCB) and another 7days at Central Firearms Registry.


Type of application                                                                         Fee

Firearm Certificate (FR1)                                                                  $10-00

Firearm Certificate after Import                                                          $15-00

Firearm Certificate Renewal (F23)                                                      $5-00

Firearm Certificate Replacement                                                        $5-00

Import Permit                                                                                   $15-00

Export Permit (Temporary)                                                                 $5-00

Export Permit (Permanent)                                                                $10-00

Transit Permit                                                                                   $25-00

Firearm Dealer’s Permit                                                                     $50-00

Firearm Dealer’s Renewal Permit                                                        $25-00

Auctioneer’s Permit                                                                           $10-00

Dealer’s Import/Export Permit                                                             $50-00

Re-Loader’s Permit                                                                            $50-00

Ammunition Supply Certificate                                                            $5-00

Variation Authority Order                                                                    $5-00

Use of firearms by Crop guard                                                             $5-00

Change of Address                                                                             $5-00

Change Of Company’s Representative                                                  $5-00